
Sequoia saxophone was born from a dream, an intuition and the great passion of Roberto Buttus, owner of the homonym workshop, who after a long experience of wind instruments repair, has decided to "put himself in the front-line" by creating an original instrument closer both to professional musicans'requirements and to beginners equally moved by the beauty of music.

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First Prize and Exhibition of Sequoia Saxophones in Nichelino (TO)

The Sequoia Saxophones together with Roberto Buttus will be leaders at the International Competition "Marco Fiorindo".

Upcoming December 4th to 6th, during the International Music Competition "Marco Fiorindo", the saxophones Sequoia will be the leading characters. Not only because the First Prize will be a Soprano Sequoia mod. Silver but also the complete range of saxophones will be presented by roberto Buttus on December 4th and 5th.

Once more the Sequoia saxophones in pole position!

Roberto Buttus on Radio Sorriso talking about the sax world

Roberto Buttus the well known master repairman of wind instruments in Friuli as well as sax manufacturer will be talking about the versatile world of saxophones during an interview on Radio Sorriso.

He will be on air on Friday May 30 from 14:00 to 15:00 and back in reply on Saturday May 30 from 15: to 16:00.

It's a great chance to enter and discover a fascinating and also mysterious world where passion, creativity, commitment and manual dexterity create a medley for a special result: the saxophone!

The soprano Sequoia at the LIVEKOM014

andrea innesto3 SITOWhat a satisfaction .... close to shiver!! The soprano Sequoia at the Livekom014!

Andrea Innesto "Cucchia" with his soprano Sequoia lemon will be the absolutely main character tonight July 14th, and in all other dates (July 5-9-10) on San Siro stage for the most powerfula and emotion rock show: the LIVEKOM014 the amazing and constantly sold out concert of the italian rocker Vasco Rossi!

Thank you so much Andrea! You are amazing!!