Lev Pupis
LEV PUPIS classical Slovenian sax player, teacher of Music at the Conservatory in Ljubljana.
After a brilliant graduation in 1998 at the University of Music in Vienna and otbained the Master's Degree in 2005 the commandable acknowledgment of "Magister Artium" was conferred on him first in Oto Vrhovnik's class and then in Matjaz Drevensek's class at the Music Academy in Ljubljana.
Lev is a many-sided and versatile artist. He plays both as soloist and as member and co-founder of "4SAXESS" quartet. Moreover is is the artistic director of EMONA MUSIC FESTIVAL the International Wood Wind Competition which is held at the Conservatory of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana.
Since July 2015 Lev is member of the International Saxophone Committee.
Link: https://twitter.com/LevPupis
Lev comments on his Sequoia saxophone:
As a soloist but even more as a chamber musician in saxophone quartets where I have been playing a leading role since 1999, I discovered the most important features of a good soprano saxophone. These are for sure: perfect intonation, tone homogenity through whole range, easy mechanics, perfect tone control in low register and a wide dinamic range of an instrument. So after many years of searching and leaving with compromises I finally found an instrument which has all of the mentioned features: thank you my Sequoia Soprano Classic K91!!
Listen to Lev Pupis and his skill of making a "soul vibrate":